by Mark Zablotsky
When Michael Chinnici asked me to consider being a regular contributor to his new “Think Orange” blog I felt very honored… And though I consider myself an accomplished photographer, I know there was more to his motivation in inviting me, and probably all the other contributors to this endeavor… Having known Michael now for a couple of years I believe I get his intent, though perhaps not completely articulated. Intertwining SPIRITS???

Photography and travel are by no means the same for all people. And thank goodness for that. We all don’t have the same dreams, aspirations, and accomplishments. For most who might look at my life and idea of travel and happiness, I’m sure would think “what a crazy dude”. But at least, for most, with a BIG SMILE when they think it…

I’ve been a photographer of sorts for almost 40 years. And though I’ve never made my living doing it, at times in my life it has meant EVERYTHING to me. Powerful reminders of life’s events, people I’ve met, food I’ve eaten (too much I’m afraid), songs I’ve heard, and much more.
Generally, I consider myself mostly a Landscape and Wildlife photographer. BUT some of my best times have been shooting other genres… I met Michael on a PWA workshop to Cuba (mostly street photography and cultural experiences), and though we communicate often, I’ve only been fortunate to see him one other time when he arranged for me and a close friend to photograph NYC in a doors off helicopter experience.
SPIRIT? SPIRITUAL? OR DOWNRIGHT DELUSIONAL? Yours to decide… But that weekend included dinners with Michael, our significant others, and “new” friends we had met from other photographic trips, street photography, a visit to the 911 museum and a Broadway show or two… A full and exciting time, which was centered around, but not limited to, photography.

What I do know is that the moment I pick up a camera, or even an iPhone with an intent to photograph something changes in my mood, my demeanor, and I would bet my body chemistry as well as other “measurables”, i.e. Blood Pressure. I even feel it when I pick up my clinical camera in my office to capture an image of a patient’s condition or treatment I just completed. For me, it’s spiritual…

When I go out in nature, while I’m happy to experience it alone, there is no question that the shared experience with others (even those who do not have a camera in their hands or on tripods) makes it so much richer. A synergy of unique individual spirits… When you share the experience of that shooting star, or a Lunar rainbow (aka moonbow), or a whale breaching in front of you, or that tender moment between mother and child (doesn’t matter whether it’s on the streets of Cuba or on safari in Africa), these are memories that will last a lifetime.
Friendships that are sustainable, even if you may have only met someone for that brief sharing photographic click in time… Spirits that intertwine… This is the belief that I have…

So, while my next contribution will be more substantive, tangible and concise, my challenge to you the reader of “Think Orange”, and client of PWA is to think about your SPIRIT.
What moves you? What do you dream of (keep it clean for this one, OK? :-)… And make it happen TODAY… We all are so blessed to live the lives we do. So let’s continue to embrace that spirit of curiosity and adventure. Until next time…

May all who come as guests… leave as friends®
Mark, great article! Michael’s trips are always great adventures and have always delivered more than promised.