THINK ORANGE is a wonderful collection of stories and tips related to travel, photography, adventure, culture, lifestyle, people and technology. Our objective is to immerse you in a world you may only fantasize about. Raise your awareness and inspire your creativity. Perhaps even help make you a better photographer.
We deliver similar experiences that our guests enjoy on our photo adventures. Like our adventures, this blog is “photo-centric”, while also allowing you to experience all the nuances, richness and cultural aspects of travel and adventure. Welcome to our world. We hope you enjoy.
On a recent trip to France I captured yet another example of “THE ART OF SEEING” technique we teach on our Photo Workshop Adventure Vacations.
The Art of Seeing is the ability to observe your environment, look ahead, look around, and hunt for potential photos that might not otherwise be so obvious.
Norway Lofoten Islands Photo Adventure September 23-29, 2018 and April 1-7, 2019 with Attilio Di Giangiacomo. Unforgettable mountain peaks, arctic fjords, tiny fishing villages and a Northern Lights mecca.
ICELAND+CUBA Photo Adventure Join us on this unique and fascinating adventure to two island nations, each with their own and unique personalities. May 5-18, 2019.